With each career/gig you join you’ll see different menus pop-up. This is for Classified Ad Prostitutes who want to place ads. If you want a little information on the Sexy Gigs Agency then select the “Info” menu and last a new “Create A Back-End Account” is available. You can also quit any career through the “Sexy Gigs” menu using the “Quit A Gig” menu. You’ll have options to pick any of the available careers/gigs. After you click on the menu you’ll see several more options to “Sign Up” for a Sexy Gig. Use a computer to find the “Sexy Gigs” pie menu. It’s recommended you have a home office with a bed for the Surrogate Sex Therapist career, A Sex Dungeon for the Dominatrix career, and use the Sleazy Motel or Any motel from the gallery for the Pimping career. You will need Wicked for some features to work in this mod. All careers are home based and work at your own pace. Sexy Gigs 5.1 adds 5 functional sex worker careers to the Sims 4.